kri8it social media successes
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Our social media successes

This year, Kri8it has grown many of our clients’ brands and businesses using social media marketing and storytelling. Here are two campaigns that we’d like to share with you.

This year, Kri8it has grown many of our clients’ brands and businesses using social media marketing and storytelling. Here are two campaigns that we’d like to share with you.

Tower kids

In addition to providing an amazing and useful range of educational products for kids, Tower kids has one great thing going for its brand – a target market made of moms (and some dads) who are interested in finding out how they can create a bright future for their young children. This audience is very receptive to information about parenting and related topics. So, we capitalised on this when Tower kids needed to grow their market via social media.

In April 2016, Kri8it launched a social media campaign that has significantly enhanced our client’s brand visibility on social platforms, while building a loyal fan and follower base. Our highly targeted campaign balances compelling content with strategic social media advertising techniques to ensure that our content reaches the desired market for optimal engagement and budget utilisation.

One key goal was to increase customer loyalty and brand advocacy by expanding the Tower kids club with exclusive offers targeted at converted fans. We have succeeded in generating 2,504 new Tower kids club members since April. At the same time, web traffic and overall social engagement has improved remarkably. We have grown the Facebook page by 2,104 fans; 909,198 people have seen tower kids posts since April; and 316,515 unique users have seen our adverts. 

Cell C Day Of Races powered by Reebok

Sports marketing agency Stillwater Sports briefed Kri8it to launch the social media platforms for their unique new race event: the Cell C Day Of Races powered by Reebok.

Positioned as the ‘social 5km race’, social media was well-integrated into the event. Entrants ran with their smartphones and shared their experiences along the way. There were designated points along the route for participants to take photos and videos, share them on the event’s social media platforms, and stand to win amazing prizes. Cell C provided free data as an incentive for users to be more socially active.

Kri8it collaborated with Stillwater Sports to launch the event’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram platforms. We made a strategic choice to focus the budget mainly on Facebook as this is the most effective platform for reaching the target audience. We created and managed a strategic content plan and ran engaging competitions on these platforms to incentivise entry, build the brand, reward loyal fans, and grow the audience.

In less than five months, we built the Facebook fan base to over 13 500 fans – exceeding the clients’ goal of 10 000. The campaigns delivered over 2.3 million adverts into peoples’ timelines, which were seen by over 550,000 users. The campaigns moved over 61,000 people to take some kind of action; and directed over 23,000 people to the website.

Contributing to this achievement was our approach to page management. We took care to respond quickly to user queries, keeping engagement as free-flowing as possible. This allowed for better page rank, supporting overall reach. We also prioritised ‘re-marketing’ to users that had engaged but not yet entered the event.

For expert advice on your social media strategy, contact us now and connect with our social media specialists.

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Tel: +27 82 559 9903

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Tel: +27 82 293 4040

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Tel: +353 83 317 4599


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