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Kri8it Digital’s Site recovery project for Avondale Wines

Avondale Wine Estate practises sustainable and natural viticulture in line with their ethos – Terra Est Vita (Soil is Life) – producing premium quality, certified organic, hand-crafted wines for select destinations around the globe. 

When Avondale’s portfolio of websites was impacted by a cyber-security breach, three of their digital platforms were hacked and the bulk of the content was lost. Kri8it helped this client to quarantine their sites and identify the issues before embarking on a comprehensive website recovery process.

We began by recovering the content that we could. Our team then re-built each of the three websites and re-populated the content on the updated platforms. We used this process as an opportunity to refresh and refine certain elements of the user experience and design.

Kri8it introduced robust new security features and a sound strategy for ongoing security updates and maintenance.

The three websites we brought back to life include:

  • Avondale Wines:
    The central brand platform with information on the estate and its unique ethos, regular news and event updates, an online wine store and an exclusive members’ club.
  • Biologic Wine Blog:
    A educational and ideas-sharing platform featuring Johnathan Grieve, the proprietor of Avondale wine estate and pioneer of the BioLOGIC® approach to sustainable viticulture.
  • Jonty’s Ducks:
    An exclusive wine showcase that centres around the story of Avondale’s unique flock of Pekin ducks, who keep the vineyards naturally free from snails and other pests.

Kri8it was able to repair all three websites and get these up and running again within a month or two of the security breach.

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